"The day will come when our silence will be more
powerful than the voices you are throttling today."
Finding Waldheim was easier
than finding Emma Goldman
silenced at last, or the Haymarket martyrs
imprisoned beneath blocks of stone,
finding Waldheim was easier than
hearing the heart of the American left
no longer beating in this corner
plot, across from a chapel they would have
hated, anarchists and communists
together, Gurley Flynn, "the Rebel
Girl," so quiet now her "Bread & Roses"
days all done, Eugene Dennis no HUAC
subpoenas to splinter
his sleep, commitments
measured in lifetimes, fighters
for a better world, organizers
struggling down to the last
epitaph in the One Big
Cemetery, and me
standing there, lost
in history, clubbed
by death, gasping
for hope, in the
stillness of a morning
visit to Waldheim.
Waldheim Cemetery
Forest Lake, Illinois
August 2004
All written material © Bill Schechter, 2016
Contact Bill Schechter